New Knoxville Heritage Center

The New Knoxville Historical Society

In the Spring of 1984, the New Knoxville Historical Society was formed to "preserve items, sites and information of historical value pertinent to the Village of New Knoxville and Washington Township.

The object of the society is to discover, collect, preserve, restore and acquire, by purchase or gift, any historical objects, records, articles or other memorabilia relating to New Knoxville and the Auglaize County area. It will publish books and other printed materials and maintain accurate records of all memorable events and historical celebrations relating to the progress and history of New Knoxville.

Young and old. We are always looking for new members.

We are always looking for new members and would be happy to have you as a part of the New Knoxville Historical Society. Of course, members receive a printed and online version of our yearly newsletter The Historian, full of interesting articles and photos.


President Todd Spieles
Vice-President Allen Schroer
Secretary Angie Klosterman
Treasurer Barb Henschen

Kirk Stienecker
Douglas Hoelscher
Michael Neuman
Ron Weaver
Craig Fledderjohann
Paul Bambauer

Student Trustees:

Jett Roettger
Jude Holland


Diane Fledderjohann
Janean Oberlander

Curator & Cataloging Rusty Elsass
Photography & Artwork
Larry Niemeyer